Konectidy is a company founded for the the singular purpose of “Konecting” others for their common cause. We are honored that they asked to feature us, and our Unity in Pink partners, this October for breast cancer awareness month.
>> Attend our October Unity in Pink Event, NYC
Every KonectIDY bracelet is a unique color code that carries a message! For the month of October KonectIDY will donate an additional 10% for every bracelet purchased or NEW bracelet created and purchased using a pink cord that’s Konected to either The Carey Foundation (The Tutu Project), For 3 Sisters or Bret Miller 1T Foundation. That’s 30% throughout breast cancer awareness month!
Buy to Support The Carey Foundation!
The entire Tutu team is wearing our bracelets, and it really does give us a uniform without necessarily putting on an actual uniform! We are proud to know that such a magnificent group of people are behind our mission. Thank you Tony and Peter for helping us promote our causes in such a beautiful manner. The “In Honor of The Tutu Project” bracelets are only $10.00 which makes them affordable even for our youngest fans!
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